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File Scheduler

Create File Scheduler

From your dashboard, click on menu File Scheduler.


Next, click button add file scheduler. You will be shown a form to upload and add your file scheduler information. Download the scheduler template file Download Example.xlsx to make sure your data matches the required upload format.


File Scheduler Headers

mobile-number61400000000Receiver number. They should start with 61 or 04 and must be 11 digits, e.g. 61400000000 or 0400000000"
custom-fieldMathew SmithInput like Receiver name or Receiver Email
custom-message"Hi Matthew Smith, how are you?", "Hi custom-field, how are you?"Create a custom message to be sent. You can use mobile-number and custom-field to make your custom message use the value of those fields.
sent-time"10-08-2024 06:00:00"This will be the time your scheduled message is sent. Make sure to follow the format and include the quotation marks "".
typeonceonce : your scheduled messages will only be sent once

After uploading your file, input all fields to continue.

File Scheduler Fields

Scheduler NameFile Scheduler NameInput your file scheduler name. Default name will follow the uploaded excel file name.
DescriptionFile Scheduler DescriptionInput your file scheduler description. Default description will follow the uploaded excel file name
Select time zoneAEST UTC +10:00/+11:00Scheduled messages will be sent based on the selected timezone
Sender#SharedNum# or Sender ID (Custom ID)Sender ID (Custom ID): Valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9, space, and Dash (-). A numeric sender ID can be a maximum length of 16 digits. An alpha-numeric Sender ID can be a maximum length of 11 characters. If 'from' is left blank, the system will default to 'Regular ID'. *Note: Price increases to 1.3 credits per SMS for Custom ID and dedicated numbers.
Radio Button 'Create Message Content'Choose this option to create a custom message on field 'Message'. All numbers in the file scheduler will be sent this message.
MessageSMS Text goes hereYou can input your SMS message here by using custom fields mobile-number and custom-field to use the value from your file.
Radio Button 'Use custom message from file template'Choose this option to use the custom message from your file. You can define different message sent for each number.

If select Create Message Content : file-scheduler

If select Use custom message from file template : file-scheduler

File Scheduler Review

Before submitting, you will be shown a summary of your File Scheduler. file-scheduler

File Scheduler Detail

After submitting your File Scheduler, you can view the details of your File Scheduler. file-scheduler

Scheduled Message Detail

Click on button View Detail on a scheduled message to see Scheduler Message History and Scheduler Message Log. file-scheduler

Scheduler Message Reports

To see your scheduled message reports, click on menu Reports & Analitycs and click sub-menu Scheduler Message. file-scheduler

You will be shown a table of All File Scheduler Messages. You can filter the list by date range or the message status. file-scheduler

Scheduler Message Status

The following are the status of the scheduled messages.

ScheduledMessage has been scheduled to be sent on next execution date and time
CompletedMessage has been sent on the scheduled date and time
CanceledMessage has been canceled and will not be sent